"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said "faster horses"." - Henry Ford
Student project:
Ragnarok (working title) February.2018
This 2d plane uses different rendering for the transparency and some advanced math to simulate a 3d world.
To generate the textures I used 3D renders of scenes.
I wanted to have a flip book from my ocean simulation. This way it uses only 1 texture space in memory. This script uses Image Magick to separate all the renders, their channels and then montage them in 1 sprite sheet.
This is the full network for the ocean shader. If you want detailed documentation, feel free to contact me.
Rewrote the flipbook network in Unreal for reuse and understanding. The other flipbook was underperforming and did not allow panning to build that effect in this network.
Unreal asset free to use.The concept is that dynamic shadows are being cast for every vertex. By reducing the dynamic shadow cast mesh with a very low lod version, we reduce the calculation needed to cast shadows, leading to a better performance.
Tip: to reduce the vertex cast even more, make the shadow caster full smooth shaded and reduce the uv unwrap to 1 seam, so your program can still weight paint the object.
Developed for the company:"Cassiopeia Developments".