Robin van Grinsven

Robin van Grinsven

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said "faster horses"." - Henry Ford


  • Art optimization
  • Full character development
  • Art-pipeline development
  • Python, c++ programming
  • Algorithm development
  • NPR rendering




Pillows Willow - Exodus Burned Sept.2018 - Jan.2019

The Project

The goal of this project is to make sure that gamers are active and interactive with the game . It is a full body vr experience. The gamers were given a full body tracksuit where they can move in action to play the character in the game. This is to make the game more fun and entertaining.
At my internship with Pillows Willow, my responsibilities were to make the workflow of the devs better so that the work goes smoothly as required. I also gave them instructions on what to do if there was any problem with the object as well as to check if the object was properly made or needed some improvement.

Spectator development

And for the spectator development , My task was to improve the experience for spectators who watched the players, guide the project for making art, as well as guiding people with instructions, basically guiding the project on an abstract level. My other task was to make the game look appealing with render techniques and make the scene feel more alive and more cool looking from the perspective of the spectators.

Pipeline development

At Pillows Willow there was no official structure when I arrived. One of my tasks was to create a folder-structure and a naming-convention. For this I had demands for the development:
  - Easy to use
  - Flexible solutions
  - Project orientated

Artist check

At the company I checked artist deliverables. Then modified the file so it would fit the pipeline.

One pager

I tried to put the most important information of the One-Pager so the artists don't need to look up where to put their art and what to call the files.