This is a third year htc vive game. Where you guide the rabbids in a parkour.
My task in this team was art optimization. Make the game run smooth on the HTC Vive. I graded different props. Profiled the game, made LOD's,Master Materials, Optimized Shaders and Optimized Lighting.
Awards / recognition:
Ubisoft - Client project (educational)
NHTV - Greenlit for year long development
NHTV - Best game Y3
NHTV - Best art Y3
implementation of moving leaves at closest LOD's.
LOD's of the tree's.
Using a grey image for texture blending. instead of using a expensive shader.
Watershader uses a cheaper translucency.
Using 3 different technique's for showing you are selecting an object. from left till right: 0)original 1)switch full shader(gold). 2)switch to mixed shader between original and fresnell 3)postprocces outline.
At the link you have the full documentation of that block of work with more details.