Robin van Grinsven

Robin van Grinsven

"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said "faster horses"." - Henry Ford


  • Art optimization
  • Full character development
  • Art-pipeline development
  • Python, c++ programming
  • Algorithm development
  • NPR rendering



Student project:

Project plungers April.2017

project image
This is a third year htc vive game. Where you guide the rabbids in a parkour.


My task in this team was art optimization. Make the game run smooth on the HTC Vive. I graded different props. Profiled the game, made LOD's,Master Materials, Optimized Shaders and Optimized Lighting.

Awards / recognition:

Ubisoft - Client project (educational) NHTV - Greenlit for year long development NHTV - Best game Y3 NHTV - Best art Y3

implementation of moving leaves at closest LOD's.

LOD's of the tree's.

Using a grey image for texture blending. instead of using a expensive shader.

Watershader uses a cheaper translucency.

Using 3 different technique's for showing you are selecting an object. from left till right: 0)original 1)switch full shader(gold). 2)switch to mixed shader between original and fresnell 3)postprocces outline.
At the link you have the full documentation of that block of work with more details.


Disclaimer:a collaboration project with Ubisoft, NOT meant for commercial release.